Sunday, November 23

VAT for the Chop?

SO the Sundays are full of speculation that VAT is set to be cut by 2.5% to 15%.
This measure is something the Campaign welcomes and could kick-start the economy to come out of the impending recession by boosting consumer spending.
That said, a VAT cut must happen alongside a raft of other measures to help individuals and small businesses, in particular, through such hard times.
Taxing empty business properties MUST end and the government should at least look at Keynesian-type projects to help curb the rapid rise in unemployment.
Borrowing is going to be a major problem over the next few years but if it has to be done to stop the rot, then we would support it. But only as long as we are not held to ransom.
But what we will not support are high and rapid tax rises "justified" by current conditions. We want to know where our money is being spent and IT MUST be spent wisely and properly.
Cut silly and wasteful spending first before high tax rises.