Saturday, March 28

Weird Week in Politics

SO, we want to reform the Monarchy so Catholics can get involved, travel around the world while briefing against Alastair Darling and then have a big party in England for the G(insert whatever number sounds impressive) conference. I'm actually more of a fan of G4 from X Factor!
It is all exhausting stuff but a is a lot of it actually needed? Shouldn't we just be getting on with the job instead of farting about?
I was also taken by Fred the Shred getting his posh car and house targeted in Scotland. If you know this mystery group, which says it is "only the beginning" please get in touch.
Also, bloggers Derek Draper and Guido Fawkes had a go at each other on TV - and it was utter drivel. I would post a link to the video but it's not worth it! Oh go on, then here it is:

Finally, as a print journalist, it was terrifying to see something that did not feature in the news at all in print or broadcast involving a Tory MEP slating Gordon Brown getting 1m hits on YouTube. The result, the BBC and friends retreated and ran the story anyway.
You can watch the rant here. But, I must admit, I don't think it's worth the hit rates it is getting.