Tuesday, March 17

RANT OF THE WEEK: Sir Fred - This Recession's Scapegoat

OH, how I am fed up of reading about Sir Fred Goodwin and his pension! Another day, and yet another series of stories about it.
Now, he's apparently walked off with another £3m - but hey wait, no he hasn't he has given it back it is reported a couple of hours later. And he's still set to claim £600k or is it £700k a year? I lose track.
To be quite honest, yes it is disgusting and stinks but it's happened and we are all fools for it.
The recession stinks and mistakes have been made so where is the scapegoat? Sir Fred fits that bill as the ex-RBS chief.
And what next?
Oh, we've got local authorities wanting to sue RBS for not revealing details of investments with Cherie Blair leading the arguments as barrister! Unbelievable! What's the point?
The sensible finance chief officer of Lancashire County Council told me he doesn't see the point - it's just lobbing more taxpayers money towards American lawyers and who loses out - we do! And why do we want to do that? This is coming from a man who is overseeing a local government pension pot losing £2.2m a day so he has a right to be angry but he is taking a considered response.
Maybe it's time the rest of us do that - including those trying to find convenient scapegoats for a wider and endemic problem.
It's about time we focused on solving it instead of looking for those to blame.